2nd Conference on Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies

Logic, Knowledge, and Reasoning in Intelligent Systems

This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in theory and advances in intelligent systems and information technologies as well as applications of artificial intelligence methods. This year, we would like to focus on intelligent systems in the context of logic, inference and knowledge representation. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, scientific merit, novelty, contribution and relevance to the conference scope.

See important dates
Logos: Republic of Poland, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland Emblem

Projekt finansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach Programu "Doskonała Nauka II - Wsparcie konferencji naukowych".
The project is financed from Polish state budget funds allocated by the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the "Doskonała Nauka II - Wsparcie konferencji naukowych" program.

Call for papers

Available in PDF format.

With young scientists in mind, we are organizing a "Step into the Science" session, and we invite submissions of short papers, extended abstracts, and posters. We also anticipate a prize for the best student paper/poster (for contributions with a student as the first author).

Keynote speakers

Photo of prof. dr hab. inż. Wiesław Marszałek

prof. dr hab. inż.
Wiesław Marszałek

Opole University of Technology

SPEECH TITLE: "Applications the Lyapunov exponents, 0-1 test for chaos and sample entropy concepts for the computations of 2D bifurcation diagrams of nonlinear dynamical systems"



Various two-dimensional (2D) bifurcation diagrams for nonlinear dynamical systems will be analyzed through the applications of Lyapunov exponents, 0-1 test for chaos and sample entropy concepts. The diagrams obtained through the above different methods will be compared to each other to show their similarities and differences. Computational aspects of the creation of the 2D diagrams of sizes 1000x1000 discrete points will also be discussed. The 2D diagrams identify periodic, chaotic and constant steady-state solutions and several examples from the areas of nonlinear electrical circuits and chemical oscillatory systems will be included.


Wieslaw Marszalek received the Ph.D. and D.Sc. (Habilitation) degrees in electrical engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. In the past, he held various research and teaching positions with state and private universities in North Carolina, Ohio, New Jersey, and Connecticut (all in the USA). He was a Humboldt Research Fellow in Bochum, Germany, from 1990 to 1992; Hamburg, Germany, in 1996; and Halle, Germany, in 2011; and a Fulbright Research Fellow in Warsaw, Poland, from 2005 to 2006; and Opole, Poland, in 2018. He currently teaches computer science and advises doctoral students at the Opole University of Technology, Poland. He is a reviewer for numerous international journals and conferences in engineering and applied mathematics. He has published 130 journal and conference papers in the areas of differential-algebraic equations, nonlinear circuits and electric arcs, memristors, 0-1 test for chaos, sample entropy, singularity induced bifurcations, and multi-parameter bifurcation diagrams (see: https://wmarszalek.weebly.com).
Photo of prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Penczek

prof. dr hab. inż.
Wojciech Penczek

Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences

SPEECH TITLE: "Model Checking versus Satisfiability Checking for Strategic Timed Temporal Logics"

SPEECH DATE: 24.09.2024


In this lecture we investigate timed extensions of strategic logics including ATL and ATL∗. We begin with discussing the syntax and semantics of ATL and its discrete time extension TATL. Then, we introduce two new strategy logics: Strategic CTL (SCTL) and its timed extension Strategic Timed CTL (STCTL). Each (timed) strategy logic is interpreted over two types of structures: models of synchronous (Time) Multi-Agent Systems MAS and of asynchronous (Time) Multi-Agent Systems AMAS. We consider two semantics related to information: imperfect (i) and perfect (I), and two semantics related to recall: imperfect (r) and perfect (R). Additionally, Time MAS and Time AMAS can be either discrete (D) or continuous (C). The lecture focuses on the model checking problem for SCTL and STCTL, considering all the semantics mentioned above, and comparing their complexity with other strategy logics. Notably, we demonstrate that SCTL is more expressive than ATL for all semantics, including the timed versions as well. Furthermore, we analyze the satisfiability problem for STCTL and show two approaches to solve this problem. The lecture is supported by simple examples of games and voting protocols to demonstrate the applications of strategy logics.


Wojciech Penczek is the Director of the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), and the chair of the Committee on Informatics of PAS. He was the chairman of the conference ICATPN’10, TIME’18, and ACSD’19 and recently he has been a PC member of over 100 conferences on Computer Science. He has co-authored more than 250 refereed scientific papers on Petri nets, distributed systems, timed systems, model checking, temporal, epistemic and strategic logics, verification of security properties, and web services. According to Google Scholar, his papers have been cited over 3780 times, and his H-index is 35. He received the Best Paper Award at AAMAS in 2004, at SEFM in 2015, and a Best Paper Nomination at AAMAS in 2018. His teaching record includes lectures at Advanced Course on Petri Nets 2010, ESSLLI 2010, and EASSS in 2006, 2007, and 2017.
Photo of prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Choraś

prof. dr hab. inż.
Ryszard Choraś

Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology Department of Telecommunications, Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering

SPEECH TITLE: "Image Processing and Recognition for Human Identification"

SPEECH DATE: 23.09.2024


This lecture is a survey on biometrics and forensics, especially methods of image processing and recognition for human identification. A biometric system is a pattern recognition system that recognizes a person on the basis of a feature vector derived from a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic that the person possesses. All biometric systems work in a similar fashion:
  • The user submits a sample that is an identifiable, unprocessed image or recording of the physiological or behavioral biometric via an acquisition device,
  • This image and/or biometric is processed to extract information about distinctive features.
Biometric systems have four main components: sensor, feature extraction, biometric database, matching-score and decision-making modules. The input subsystem consists of a special sensor needed to acquire the biometric signal. Invariant features are extracted from the signal for representation purposes in the feature extraction subsystem. During the enrollment process, a representation (called template) of the biometrics in terms of these features is stored in the system. The matching subsystem accepts query and reference templates and returns the degree of match or mismatch as a score , i.e. a similarity measure. A final decision step compares the score to a decision threshold to deem the comparison a match or non-match. The processes of forensic computing can be divided into three main areas:
  • Image Capture - The Imaging process is fundamental to any computer investigation.
  • Image Processing - The processing software to extract features of the target image.
  • Investigation.
Distinctions between biometrics and forensic are based on the fact that biometrics methods are implemented on live subjects. Techniques designed for person identification in biometrics can be utilized for forensic purposes. Automated biometrics-based personal identification systems can be classified into two main categories: identification and verification. The personal attributes used in a biometric identification system can be physiological, such as facial features, fingerprints, iris, retinal scans, hand and finger geometry; or behavioral, the traits idiosyncratic of the individual, such as voice print, gait, signature, and keystroking. Methods for recognizing a person based on a feature vector obtained from biometric images using deep learning methods and VGG networks are presented.


Prof. Ryszard S. Choraś is currently Full Professor in the Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Telecommunications, Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering of the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology. His research includes image processing and analysis, image coding, feature extraction, computer vision and the use of artificial intelligence methods (in particular deep learning and CNNs) in multimedia security and biometrics subjects. At present, he is working in the field of image retrieval and indexing, mainly in low- and high-level features extraction and knowledge extraction in CBIR systems. He is the author of Computer Vision. Methods of Image Interpretation and Identification (2005) and more than 163 articles in journals and conference proceedings. He is the member of the Polish Neural Networks Society, IASTED, and the Polish Image Processing Association. Professor Choras is a member of the editorial boards of Machine Vision and Graphics, International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM), International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Recent Patents On Signal Processing (Bentham Open). He is former the editor-in-chief of WSEAS Transaction on Signal Processing Journal, Image Processing and Communications, An International Journal and associate editor-in-chief Computer Science Journals (CSC Journals) Image Processing (IJIP). He is also the chairman of the Image Processing and Communications Conference and editor books Image Processing and Communications Challenges published in Advanes in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag Series. He has served on numerous conference committees, e.g., as Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP) , IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPPRA) and International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics in Warsaw, ICINCO\ICATE Conference.
Photo of prof. dr hab. Wojciech Jamroga

prof. dr hab.
Wojciech Jamroga

Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences

SPEECH TITLE: Towards Specification of Requirements for Crisis Mitigation Strategies

SPEECH DATE: 25.09.2024


The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced virtually all aspects of our lives. Across the world, countries have applied various mitigation strategies, based on social, political, and technological instruments. It seemed clear at the first glance what all those measures have been trying to achieve, and what the criteria of success are. But is it really that clear?

Quoting various media sources, with COVID we had to fight an unprecedented threat to *health* and *economic stability*. While fighting it, we should protect *privacy*, *equality* and *fairness*, as well as do a coordinated assessment of *usefulness*, *effectiveness*, *technological readiness*, *cyber-security risks*, and threats to *fundamental freedoms* and *human rights*. Taken together, this is hardly a straightforward set of goals and requirements.

We postulate that modal logics for multi-agent systems provide a common platform to study (and balance) essential properties of pandemic mitigation strategies. We also show how one can obtain a list of such properties by "distilling" them from media snippets. Finally, we present a preliminary take on their formal specification using formulas of those logics.


Wojciech Jamroga is a full professor at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on modeling, specification and verification of interaction between intelligent agents. Within that, he works mainly on the development of logic-based specification and verification techniques for information security requirements in voting protocols, in particular on formalizations of confidentiality, coercion-resistance, and voter-verifiability for e-voting.

Prof. Jamroga obtained his PhD from the University of Twente, Netherlands in 2004, and completed his habilitation at the Clausthal University of Technology, Germany in 2009. He has coauthored around 150 refereed publications, and has been a Program Committee member of most important conferences and workshops in AI and multi-agent systems. According to Google Scholar, his papers have been cited over 3200 times, and his H-index is 30. The research track of Prof. Jamroga includes the Best Paper Award at the main conference on electronic voting (E-VOTE-ID) in 2016, Best Paper Nomination at the main multi-agent systems conference (AAMAS) in 2018, and the Best Demo Award at AAMAS 2024.

His teaching record includes numerous courses at ESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), EASSS (European Agent Systems Summer School), and ESSAI (European Summer School on AI), several courses at doctoral schools, and tutorials at top conferences in AI and multi-agent systems -- all of them on formal methods for multi-agent systems.

Conference Agenda

The preliminary conference agenda is available in PDF file.

The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Logic, Knowledge, and Reasoning in Intelligent Systems
    • Automated Reasoning and Satisfiability
    • Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
    • Temporal and Strategic Logics
    • Planning and Scheduling
    • Verification and Model-Checking
    • Formal Methods for Intelligent Systems and Cybersecurity
    • Ontologies
    • Description Logics
    • Knowledge Acquisition and Compilation
  2. Methods, Theory, and Applications of Intelligent Systems
    • Quantum Inspired Intelligent Systems
    • Nature Inspired Algorithms
    • Neural Networks and Hybrid Systems
    • Machine Learning and Cluster Analysis
    • Distributed Artificial Intelligence
    • Modelling, Simulation, and Control
    • Fuzzy Logic Systems and Soft Computing
    • Self-Learning Systems and Discoveries
    • Unmanned Manufacturing and Autonomic Systems
    • Automatic Understanding and Computer Vision
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Big Data and Sensor Networks
  3. Supporting everyday life, education, and work of people with special needs
    • Navigation and Safety Support Systems
    • Smart Buildings and Vehicles Systems
    • Smart City Solutions
    • Mental Health and Stress Management Solutions
    • Inclusive Solutions for Education
    • Dedicated Knowledge Management Systems
    • Human-Machine Natural Language Interface for Inclusive Solutions
    • Internet of Things and Mobile Systems
Working people

Important dates

We are waiting for paper (or extended abstract) submission via Internet up to

30th June, 2024

Acceptance/rejection decision due via Internet

28th July, 2024

Registration and full payment due

31st August, 2024

Submission of camera-ready papers

31st August, 2024


23-25th September, 2024
Siedlce City - Library


Institute of Computer Science, University of Siedlce
Faculty of Exact and Natural Science
ul. 3 Maja 54
08-110 Siedlce

Siedlce is a beautiful town in the eastern part of the Masovian Province located about 100km east of Warsaw. The history of the city begins 477 years ago when Siedlce received city rights and became an important place at the intersection of two trade routes. Over the years, Siedlce developed and gained in importance, but during World War II half of the city was destroyed. After the war, some of the most beautiful monuments were rebuilt and restored, including the town hall, the church of St. Stanislaus, and Oginski Palace which is currently the seat of the Siedlce University authorities.

For enthusiasts of urban tourism, we recommend a walk around the city along the trail of monuments, visiting the City Museum and the Diocesan Museum, which houses the only El Greco painting in Poland. In the evening, you can go to the cinema or the theater, relax in the sauna and aquapark, and have a tasty dinner in one of the Siedlce restaurants. Lovers of nature, walking and cycling will also be delighted with the wonderful areas around the Lagoon on the Muchawka River, the beautiful Alexandria Park, and the majestic forests surrounding the city.

Program committee

  • Artur NIEWIADOMSKI - University of Siedlce – chairman
  • Anna WAWRZYŃCZAK-SZABAN - University of Siedlce – cochairman
  • Stanisław AMBROSZKIEWICZ - University of Siedlce
  • Andrzej BARCZAK - University of Siedlce
  • Ryszard CHORAŚ – University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz
  • Agnieszka JASTRZĘBSKA – Warsaw University of Technology
  • Magdalena KACPRZAK – Bialystok University of Technology
  • Mieczysław KŁOPOTEK – Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Radosław MARLĘGA - Red Ocean Sp. z o. o.
  • Wiesław MARSZAŁEK - Opole University of Technology
  • Dariusz MIKUŁOWSKI - University of Siedlce
  • Włodzimierz MISZALSKI - Military University of Technology
  • Oliver MORAVCIK - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
  • Joanicjusz NAZARKO - Bialystok University of Technology
  • Mirosław PAROL – Warsaw University of Technology
  • Wojciech PENCZEK - Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Waldemar REBIZANT- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology ­
  • Franciszek SEREDYŃSKI - University of Siedlce
  • Piotr SIENKIEWICZ - Military University of Technology
  • Przemysław SIMIŃSKI – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automative Technology
  • Mirosław SZABAN - University of Siedlce
  • Krzysztof SZKATUŁA – Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Piotr ŚWITALSKI - University of Siedlce
  • Jerzy TCHÓRZEWSKI - University of Siedlce
  • Jędrzej TRAJER - Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Mariusz WZOREK - Linköping University
  • Abuzer YAKARYILMAZ - University of Latvia
  • Agnieszka ZBRZEZNY – University of Warmia and Mazury
  • Andrzej ZBRZEZNY – Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
Conference Site


You should send the submission via Easychair system. Please use following link for your submission:


If you don't have an Easychair account you need to create an account before submitting. Please follow instructions from Easychair in this link https://easychair.org/account/signup. You may have used this site to submit to other conferences, please use the same login information.

All articles presented and positively reviewed during ISIT 2024 will be published as Conference materials on the Conference website and selected may published in “Studia Informatica. Systems and Information Technology” (20 ministery points for Polish authors), ISSN: 1731-2264: czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/studiainformatica in which they will be submitted to an independent review process.

The best works will also be recommended for publication in high-impact journals and highlighted for publication in an extended form as chapters of monographs in the series: Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies or in a shortened form on the Conference website.


Papers must be written in English and include original material not published or being considered elsewhere. A paper should contain up to 12 pages, including graphics, tables, and references. Exceeding this limit may result in the paper being rejected without being sent for review. Manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX.

Extended abstracts are also welcome. We accept abstracts of up to 4 pages.

To prepare a paper or an extended abstract, the authors should use a LaTeX class and example document template (ISIT LaTeX Template). Figures should be prepared as bitmap (PNG, JPG) or (preferred) vector format (SVG, PDF, PS).

Keyboard and accessories


At least one author must attend the conference in person. All presenting authors must be registered by 31st August, 2024 (23:59 PST). Registration form will be available here.

Participants with special needs

The conference organizers provide participants with special needs with appropriate support in the form of interpreting into sign language and support in moving and navigating during the conference. Additionally, the participant will receive digitally available conference materials. Please indicate your special needs in the conference registration form.

Registration fee

The registration fee should be transferred to the following accounts:

1. Payment in PLN
Conference Fee: 500 PLN
Bank Pekao S.A. I O. w Siedlcach, ul. Wojskowa 24, 08-110 Siedlce
IBAN: 19 1240 2685 1111 0000 3656 3195
with annotation ISIT2024

2. Payment in EUR
Conference Fee: 100 EUR
Bank Pekao S.A. I O. w Siedlcach, ul. Wojskowa 24, 08-110 Siedlce
IBAN: PL84 1240 2685 1978 0010 1464 3201
with annotation ISIT2024

Conference office

University of Siedlce
Institute of Computer Science

3 Maja 54 street
08-110 Siedlce
e-mail: isit@uws.edu.pl

Previous conferences

ISIT 2023
Logos: Republic of Poland, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland Emblem

Projekt finansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach Programu "Doskonała Nauka II - Wsparcie konferencji naukowych".
The project is financed from Polish state budget funds allocated by the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the "Doskonała Nauka II - Wsparcie konferencji naukowych" program.